
Bed Bugs: Tips To Use While Traveling


Traveling for a vacation should be a fun experience, but if you're staying in a hotel, it is also important to pay attention if you don't want to risk bringing bed bugs back to your house. A bed bug infestation can be incredibly difficult and costly to treat, so it is in your best interest to do whatever you can to prevent bed bugs from getting into your home. Use the following types to help greatly minimize the risk of bringing bed bugs home from the hotel you stay at on your next vacation:

14 June 2017

Unexpected Sources Of Pest Infestations


If you're dealing with some pesky pests who just won't leave, you need to start looking at alternative sources that may be feeding or hiding the pests. The obvious ones, like open containers of grains, rotting food, and stagnant water are all easy to get rid of, but if you still have bugs flying or crawling around, there's obviously something else going on. Look at these three unexpected sources of pest infestations and see if any match what you're experiencing.

6 April 2017

Three Quick Steps To Handle Roaches From Used Furniture


If you are moving into a place of your own and you are on a budget, you will likely have to save on furniture somehow. This often means purchasing used furniture. Catching used furniture from sellers and private parties can save you a lot of cash but provide you with a comfortable place. Used furniture works great when it is in good condition. One of the worst things that could happen is bringing in roaches from used furniture.

15 March 2017

How To Prevent Bats From Returning To Your Home


If you've already had bats invade your attic, you know what a nuisance and potential health hazard they can be. After your bat removal expert eliminates the problem, you'll want to take steps to prevent it from happening again. Here are a few things you can do to prevent bats from returning to your home. Seal Up Holes And Gaps Bats can fit into tiny openings in your home, so you'll want to seal off any holes or gaps near the roof.

6 March 2017